To me these very simple things: a cup, a fence, a tree, seem pretty insignificant upon first glance. But really, how many people touched that cup before I did? It wasn't even my drink, it was my friend's. But this day was a really good one for me. This cup reminds me of such a fun day where I spent time with three people I really love. We were able to have great talks as we usually do. And this simple picture reminds me of that fun day.
The fence probably has a story of its own. Between who built it, where the different pieces of wood came from, and how long it has been there. I wonder the stories of it, it looked old and warped by the sun. How nice it would be to have so many stories, to be old and still standing tall doing ones' job.
The trees, well I grew up taking the beauty of palm trees for granted. It's time to start appreciating them. Who put those there? Well, I really don't know that story. I just know I'm lucky to be able to see them.